Primary Transition

We believe that students flourish in an environment where they are recognised and valued from the outset. For many years we have worked with our partner schools to develop a successful process of transition to ease the transition from the relative security of the primary setting to the great unknown that is Secondary School. By offering many opportunities for students to visit us and for our staff to deliver taster lessons in the primaries, students become more confident not only of the geographical environment into which they will move but also of the academic structures that they will encounter. In order to fully support this we have a dedicated Head of Year 7 and transition, who has responsibility for ensuring that the move from primary to secondary school is a positive experience for all of our students.


In June each year we hold coffee mornings specifically for Year 5 parents to be able to meet staff and students and to tour our school. These mornings are intended for parents only, as students will have other opportunities to visit the school. Dates for these along with information on how to book will follow nearer the time.


We hope that these short videos will provide you with a taste of life at Woolmer Hill School.




For the Year 6 students joining us in September, we have a specific Induction day in July when you will come and experience lessons with us to prepare for the transition process. We also offer small group induction sessions for students with extra anxieties where they meet key staff who maintain close links for the whole of their first year with us.  


We are holding our summer school again this year for all new Year 7s for September 2024 entry. This will take place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th August. Parents of children starting with us in September have now received information on Summer School and how to book and pay for your places.


For any enquiries relating to transition please contact Mr David Clayton (Assistant Headteacher)



Page Downloads Date  
Transition Day 2nd July 2024 20th Jun 2024 Download
Key Dates new Year 7 flyer 20th Jun 2024 Download
Year 6 Summer School 2024 20th Jun 2024 Download
Chromebook FAQ 2024 Intake 20th Jun 2024 Download
New Yr7 One to One Chromebooks for Learn... 20th Jun 2024 Download