Student Leadership


Our Head Students and Deputy Head Students and are a credit to the school, working hard to represent the school community and make a difference to students' experiences in school. 

Senior 6 cropped


The Senior Six work with the wider prefect team. They are a group of fantastic individuals who have applied for and been interviewed for their leadership role. They undertake duties around the school, act as role models, assist at school functions and are the driving force behind student voice in the school. The Senior Six and Prefects work in two teams - the Proud to Belong Team and the Proud to Achieve Team.

Proud to Belong Team



Our House Captains and their Deputies are a real strength of the school and organise and lead on House competitions and charity events within the school. They regularly organise teams for House Competitions and are another layer of leadership and student voice within the school.


Each House has its own House Council which involves representatives from each year group, along with the House Captains and the Senior Prefect team. They meet regularly to discuss charity fundraising and student-led projects around the school.